
This article is devoted to analysing the means of communication through correspond-ence between Ivan Ohiienko and male/female representatives In particular, аttention is being given to the various levels of communication behavior, which refl ect a stereotypical view of gender roles in in the course of speech communication. This article stipulates that the emotional and evaluative language is predominance in communication with women. The article explores that Ivan Ohiienko employs essentially lexemes, which have neu-tral and estimated meanings during correspondence with men. The article determines the major word usage of etiquette formulas of the accosts, which express special respect and gratitude to the addressee. Analysis of the text array showed that Ivan Ohiienko commonly used the diminutive forms, which are related to parametric representations (about the proportions, that is. an indication of the size is given), phraseological constructions, which emphasize metropolitan’s language. The article determines, that rhetorical questions, ex-clamation sentences, which added excessive expressiveness are аn important means of argument impact on men or women in the letters of Ivan Ohiienko and provide a mecha-nism for pragmatic impact on gender model of the world. Ivan Ohiienko used attitudinal, instructive sentences in almost every letter to men or women Mostly etiquette formulas of the requests are accompanied by imperatives (with request, will you please, you are welcome) The article acknowledges that emotional explanations and deeper exposure of internal emotions of Ivan Ohiienko to the depicted events are displayed through the usage of situational lexical and stylistic tools (specifi cally irony, which provides displaying of the specifi c form of critical reality perception), insert constructions, repetitions, etc. Ivan Ohiienko is characterized as a skilled literary critic, editor, stylist, describing the accom-plishments of his female colleagues, friends, in the letters to women.

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