
The review of the state-of-the art in de?ning the personality factors of the successful lie detection has shown that even the key researchers in the ?eld like P. Ekman and M. O’Sullivan recognize that only the chosen few, referred to by them “wizards”, are capable to consistently cope with this exceptionally complicated intellectual activity, the social demand of which is high. On the basis of the meta-analysis of the problem and the author’s own empirical data the fallowing three basic hypothesis as to the personality characteristic features the ef?cacious human lie-detectors are to meet have been formulated. 1. No matter how paradoxically it might sound, the one, capable of lie-detection is expected to have a truth bias, positive thinking, stick to the positive values (wisdom, courage, justice, humanity etc.), possess agreeableness, as a trait. 2. To successfully detect lies one is to possess high level of ?uid-intelligence, logical reasoning, a synthetic cognitive style, ambiguity tolerance, openness to a new experience, ?eld-independence, mindfulness, conscientiousness. 3. Since lying at least a spontaneous one incorporates switching attention between the incompatible thinking (inner speech) and outer speech, the liar experience an emotional tension which can be better recognized by the person who possesses low anxiety and high level of emotional intelligence. The above-mentioned postulates were examined on a sample of 60 subjects by the method of cluster-analysis (K-means algorithm). The sample was split into 2 opposite clusters by the ef?cacy of lie detection. Infer-cluster differences in the personality traits, assessed by t-test, appeared signi?cant.

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