
This article critically examines the development process of the “Bitcoin Narrative” course, designed within the Industry-Coupled Project/Problem-Based Learning (IC-PBL) framework. It explores how humanities respond to the technological advancements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By shifting the perspective from a defensive stance to proactive engagement and practical application, the article highlights IC-PBL’s role in connecting humanities with the evolving technological landscape. The narrative of Bitcoin is used as a case study to investigate this intersection, delving into its philosophical, economic, and cultural origins. This approach also analyzes how Bitcoin’s development reflects broader trends in technology and society. The article addresses how Bitcoin’s initial anti-establishment ethos is gradually transforming towards institutionalization and regulatory acceptance. This shift underscores the evolving social context of technological innovations and the unpredictable nature of their impact on society. The “Bitcoin Narrative” course, as outlined in this article, aims to provide students with a critical understanding of Bitcoin’s influence on the humanities. It explores the ethical, social, and cultural dimensions of this digital currency. The course structure facilitates a comprehensive exploration of Bitcoin’s multifaceted implications, encouraging students to think critically about the intersection of technology and humanities.

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