
At the present stage of development of the market economy in Ukraine, the priority is the steady inclusion of the domestic economy in the system of international division of labor and global integration processes. One of the stages of our country's integration into the world is the intensification of Ukraine's trade relations with the countries of the European Union. Therefore, Ukraine's financial policy should be aimed at shaping integration priorities. The basis of financial policy are strategic directions, which determine the long-term and medium-term prospects for the use of finance and provide for solving the main tasks of society. At the same time, the state takes a number of measures aimed at using financial relations in terms of solving tactical tasks, namely – to mobilize and effectively use financial resources, regulate foreign trade processes, stimulate the development of STP, certain sectors of the economy, certain territories. Therefore, we can state the fact that Ukraine has chosen integration into the European Union as a priority of its integration into world structures. After all, the focus on the European Union it's a significant capital markets, new technologies, higher standards of production, and environmental protection. Ukraine's integration with the EU is also important as a reform-stimulating factor for its economy, legal framework, and the main means of avoiding the threat of being outside the common European home. Thus, in the article are analysed the basic strategic direction of financial policy, which focused on the intensification of foreign trade cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. Are assessed the obstacles that negatively affect at the further development of the foreign trade sector of Ukraine's economy . The main causes of the investment crisis in the country as a factor in reducing integration processes are highlighted. The model of formation of the optimum system of financing of foreign trade operations is offered. Recommendations for the formation of an optimal system of regulation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine are formulated. Are offered the main directions of financial policy improvement in the conditions of European integration development of the country.

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