
The aim of the study is to determine the functions of German discourse markers in texts of various functional styles. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the functions of German discourse markers in texts of various functional styles have been described for the first time. As a result, it has been shown that discourse markers are found in the scientific, publicistic, literary and colloquial styles. In the texts of the colloquial style, several functions of discourse markers are manifested: the linking function, which is expressed through the establishment of causal relations and additive relations; the function of signaling the transition to another topic of conversation; the function of mitigating the categoricity of what is being said; the function of explaining what was said earlier. It is quite obvious that discourse markers are involved in the structuring of an oral text. In scientific and publicistic texts, discourse markers serve to structure the information, ensure text coherence and also organize the line of reasoning. In literary texts, discourse markers perform not only the structuring function, but also develop rhetorical relationships in combination with rhetorical means to achieve communicative goals.

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