
Wheat germs flour is protein-rich with a full complex of amino acids. Comparison of a chemical composition of flour from wheaten germs with different nuts types shows that they don't concede on a nutrition value, and in the vitamins content of both some macro and microcells surpass nuts several times. Thus, considering preference of consumers of natural products and the maximum exception of compounding of synthetic taste-aroma maker, a problem of formation of aroma in the final product made with nuts replacement takes place. In our work we studied influences of heat treatment on aroma formation of wheat germs flour with application of piezo-sorption of electronic nose. Various content of easily volatile organic compounds in an equilibrium gas phase over tests depending on conditions of heat treatment is established: most of them in aroma of test 2, the smallest – in tests 1 and 4. On intensity of aroma or the contents of separate classes of easily volatile compounds the test differs from test standard. It is found out on responses of separate sensors that the equilibrium gas phase over samples contains hydrophilic connections and water, the content of nitrogen-containing and specific (aromatic) connections, esters is essential. On intensity of aroma or the maintenance of separate classes of easily volatile compounds the tests differ from test standard. Thus for the tests 3, 4, 5 the content of high-polarity volatile compounds increases (including ketones, alcohols), the content of esters, acids decreases. On a ratio of separate classes of connections in an equilibrium gas phase noticeable influence of time of heat treatment on redistribution of connections of RGF for flour of germs of wheat is determined. Thus, the heat treatment duration influences wheat germs flour aroma. From the received results of visual prints of wheat germs flour of various degree of roasting, optimum time of heat treatment at which nut aroma appears ranges from 6,5 to 10,5 min. at a temperature of 150 °C is determined.

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