
In the context of current national legislation and regulations of the European Union, the article examines the theoretical and practical principles that determine the peculiarities of concluding banking contracts on the Internet using modern web interfaces and similar mechanisms (primarily, click-wrap and browse-wrap contracts) in the light recognition of reality. The methodological basis made up of general and private methods of scientific knowledge. The general scientific method of dialectical cognition, formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal method, linguistic methods, methods of deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis were used in the research process. The subject of the study is the norms of civil law on the contract, the norms of banking law on the conditions of certain types of banking contracts, the procedure for their conclusion and execution. It noted that the actions of the right holder of the program, including the bank, with the aim of further concluding an electronic contract on certain terms with unspecified counterparties, should be qualified as a public offer. Acceptance of this offer must create rights and obligations for the person who is the right holder of this program, regardless of his awareness of the fact of concluding such an agreement. The need for special legal regulation of the procedure for concluding banking contracts on the Internet substantiated. The procedure for concluding these contracts can found in the instructions of the National Bank of Ukraine, which defines the requirements for the banking institution regarding the additional identification of clients in the procedure for concluding banking contracts in the form of an Internet bank. The use of a smart contract requires a legal framework that would define the legal nature, concept and legal mechanism of a smart contract. An offer for the conclusion of a contract received in the personal account; the client accepts it using the actions provided in the software, which can be equated to a qualified electronic signature.

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