
Дей с тви я п о р еа ли за ц и и гр а жда нс ко го п р а ва в фо р ме и сп о ль зо ва ни я 269 действий и/или налицо значимые признаки правовых состояний. Проведена систематиза- ция действий, направленных на использование субъективного гражданского права. Ключевые слова: субъективное гражданское право; реализация права; осуществление права; использование права; цели осуществления права; основания возникновения прав; форма волеизъявления; действие; правомерное поведение; правовое состояние ACTIONS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CIVIL RIGHT IN THE FORM OF USE L. A. Chegovadze Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Af- fairs of Russia E-mail: chegov@mail.ru T. V. Deryugina Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Af- fairs of Russia E-mail: sofija96@mail.ru Rece iv e d 1 3 A pr 2 0 2 2 Introduction: the article is devoted to the study of the implementation of civil law as a process of translating the content of the norms of law into specific rights. Purpose and objec- tives: the study aims to define and classify actions on the use of the norms of civil law. Methods: a set of scientific methods, with the comparative legal method, methods of consistency and analysis used as major ones. Results: actions on the use of the norms of civil law can be classi- fied as follows: on the basis of the presence or absence of expressed will; by the number of per- sons performing actions; by the form of legal formalization of the will of the parties; by the need to control the actions performed; by the completeness of the coincidence of the signs of actions with civil regulations; as initial and derivative actions. The approach outlined in the article complements theoretical provisions concerning the implementation of civil law. Conclusions: civil law is implemented when the legal activity of subjects results in a particular subject’s be- coming a rightsholder. The implementation of civil law occurs through lawful actions (inaction) of participants in social relations associated with the use of relevant norms of law; the actions can both be purposeful or have no specific goal. Unlawful acts also lead to the implementation of civil law norms, but not in the form of use, since unlawful acts are a violation, not the use of law. In some cases, the process of implementing civil law is influenced by the special legal sta- tus of the subjects, modifying the process of implementation in the same way as, for example, the legal regime of the object of civil rights. The legal effect in the form of emergence of a civil right in connection with actions on the implementation of law in the form of use occurs if the procedure and conditions for performing the actions are observed and/or there are obvious sig- nificant signs of legal statuses. The paper provides systematization of actions aimed at the use of civil rights

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