
أبو بکر الصديق - رضي الله عنه - دراسة قرآنية موضوعية خلود بنت عبد الله بن عبد الله الجماز. تخصص التفسير وعلوم القرآن قسم الدراسات الإسلامية کلية الآداب في جامعة الأميرة نوره بنت عبد الرحمن، الرياض، المملکة العربية السعودية. البريد الإلکتروني:ahmed06@ hotmail.com الملخـــص أثنى الله سبحانه وتعالى على صحابة رسوله في مواضع کثيرة من القرآن الکريم، ومن هؤلاء الصحابة أفضلهم وأعلاهم منزلة أبو بکر الصديق - رضي الله عنه - وقد نزلت في شأنه أربع آيات في القرآن الکريم أثنى سبحانه عليه ووصفه بأعظم الصفات والأخلاق، فرغبت أن يکون موضوع بحثي عنه وعنونته بعنوان: أبو بکر الصديق - رضي الله عنه - دراسة قرآنية موضوعية، وهدفي في البحث إبراز فضل أبي بکر الصديق - رضي الله عنه - وصفاته ومناقبه والاقتداء به والدفاع عنه. وقد سلکت المنهج الاستقرائي الموضوعي. فمن صفاته الإيمانية الإيمان والتصديق وقد وصفه الله بالتقوى في أکثر من موضع في کتابه الکريم ووصفه بالصدق وأجمعت الأمة على تسميته صديقا. وقد وصفه الله أيضا بالکرم والعطاء وأهل الفضل کما أشار القرآن الکريم إلى اتصافه بالعفو والصفح کما ورد في سورة النور. ويکفيه شرفا ورفعة أن سماه الله سبحانه صاحبا للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم فالوفاء في الصحبة من شيم الکرام. وقد دأب الرافضة على الطعن في صحابة رسول الله واتخذوا ذلک عقيدة وعبادة وقاموا بتأويل نصوص القرآن الکريم وأولوا آيات الله بحسب أهوائهم وقد نال أبو بکر الصديق من ذلک نصيبا وافرا، وقد شهد الله سبحانه لصحابة رسوله بالفضل والثناء، ولا يحتاج أحد منهم مع تعديل الله له إلى تعديل أحد من الخلق.فحب الصحابة دين وإيمان وبغضهم کفر وطغيان فيجب مدارسة سيرتهم لتمنحنا وتمنح أجيالنا الإحساس بالعزة وتورثنا الشعور بالقوة وتهدينا إلى التمسک بالقيم والمثل والأخلاق. Bakr Seddik- May Allah be pleased with him- An Objective Qur'anic Study By: Kholoud Bint Abdallah bin Abdallah Al-Jamaz Majored in Interpretation and Qur'anic Sciences Department of Islamic Studies Faculty of Arts Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia E-mail: ahmed06@ hotmail.com Abstract Allah, glory be to Him, praised companions of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, in many instances in Holy Qur'an. One of those companions, best and most exalted of them all, was Abu Bakr Seddik- May Allah be pleased with him. Four verses of Holy Qur'an have been revealed relevant to him. Allah, glory be to Him, has praised Abu Bakr and described him in best and greatest attributes and manners. Therefore, this research is entitled Abu- Bakr Seddik- May Allah be pleased with him- An Objective Qur'anic Study. The objective of this research is to highlight merits of Abu Bakr Seddik, May Allah be pleased with him, as well as his attributes and his exemplary character as a paragon for late posterity. The research follows inductive approach. One of faithful attributes of Abu Bakr is his piousness and his being truthful as revealed by Allah in more than one instance in Holy Qur'an. Accordingly, whole nation identified him as Seddik the truthful. In addition, Allah has described him as being generous and graceful. Moreover, it has been revealed in Holy Qur'an, in Surate An-nour, that Abu Bakr was a tolerable and forgiving person. The greatest honor, Ab Bakr ever had, was being identified by Allah, glory be to Him, as companion of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Thus, Abu Bakr was renowned for his generosity and loyalty. Diligently, Rafidah (the dissenters or rejectionists) were keen on raising doubts around companions of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. They even turned those doubts into a creed and a kind of worship in which they interpreted verses of Qur'an according to their whims. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, has been severely dealt with in creed of Rafidah. Allah, glory be to Him, has attributed praise and grace to Prophet Muhammad and his companion. Therefore, neither of them needs testimony after that of Allah and Holy Qur'an. Loving companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, is an act of faith and belief while their hatred is, in turn, a kind of infidelity and despotism. In conclusion, life histories of those companions should be studied by our late posterity to give them a sense of glory and a feeling of being powerful as well as being committed to values, ideals and good manners of our religion.

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