
The paper examines the linguocultural features of the influence of presupposition on the modelling of the cultural space of a literary text. The analysis of the presuppositional component of linguistic units expressed by various lexico-semantic means contributes to the identification of extralinguistic information in the text. The aim of the research is to determine the linguocultural potential of presupposition in the text based on the analysis of the features of lexical units and their contextual relations reflecting the specifics of culturally relevant elements in Daniel Kehlmann’s novel “Tyll”. The scientific originality of the research lies in applying the theory of presupposition to the linguistic modelling of the cultural space of a literary text. The research findings showed that the presupposition of culture-specific lexical units contextually interacts with other intra- and inter-lexical means and participates in the formation of a model of the cultural space of the text as a hierarchically structured system of culturally contingent meanings. The combination of the denotative, connotative and other types of semantic meaning of lexemes determines the isolation of linguoculturemes in a literary text, which makes it possible to gradually explore the cultural space of the analysed German historical novel.

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