
Mobile dry chemical fire extinguishing equipment (MDСFE) (dry powder fire trucks, combined fire engines, containers and trailers with dry chemical extinguishing devices) are most effective in extin¬guishing fires at hazardous production facilities of various industries. However, they are used very rarely only once in 8-10 years, and in some cases - never for the life cycle. Consequently, the rare use of MDСFE (considering their significant initial cost, about 9 million of Rubles per unit) creates a negative economic impact, and calls for the adoption of organizational and technical measures for its significant reduction. We assessed the prospects of development of MDСFE in three main ways that determine the ap-pearance of any construction:  relevance in the total number of mobile fire extinguishing equipment;  the main characteristics of technological equipment;  the ability to impart properties of multifunctionality. Comparison of the data about Russian and foreign fire technics manufacturers production showed that:  Russian fire-fighting system needs 2.6 % to other types of fire equipment MDСFE;  share of MDСFE models produced in Russia, almost 3 times lower than abroad (7.3 % vs. 18.8 %), that can be explained by their uneconomical production, they are applied very rarely, in compa¬rison with water and foam fire trucks and finaly because of low need for them. It was found that diversity of the stock of foaming agent and dry chemical powder at foreign combined fire engines is an average in 3 times greater than at Russian. The advisability of impart to MDСFE properties of multifunctionality has long been known. There is the idea of a fire engine, adaptable to the specific needs of fire departments. Currently, existing fire extinguishing installations on fire vehicles do not provide the necessary variability of fire extinguishing agents (FEA) filling. In this regard, we developed and tested (with positive results) at the St. Petersburg University Emercom of Russia laboratory model of the universal fire suppression system that meets modern require-ments. Installation configuration allows to mount it on a car and truck chassis, on trailer and in container. The design of vessels and the mechanism of displacement of the installation allow the use of a wide range of FEA and give them to the extinguishing in the required proportions. In addition, it can provide compressed air foam, expanding fire extinguishing capabilities. These results allow us to state (contrary to the skeptics views) that mobile fire extinguishing equip-ment with universal fire-fighting installations are the future of fire fighting. They can be easily reconfigured on the application of any FEA (by number and types) directly at the fire station under the specific tactical tasks depending on the characteristics of protected objects. There are scientific and technological solutions and manufacturing capabilities to create a mobile fire-fighting equipment with the required properties in Russia!


  • We assessed the prospects of development of MDÑFE in three main ways that determine the appearance of any construction: l relevance in the total number of mobile fire extinguishing equipment; l the main characteristics of technological equipment; l the ability to impart properties of multifunctionality

  • Comparison of the data about Russian and foreign fire technics manufacturers production showed that: l Russian fire-fighting system needs 2.6 % to other types of fire equipment MDÑFE; l share of MDÑFE models produced in Russia, almost 3 times lower than abroad (7.3 % vs. 18.8 %), that can be explained by their uneconomical production, they are applied very rarely, in comparison with water and foam fire trucks and finaly because of low need for them

  • The design of vessels and the mechanism of displacement of the installation allow the use of a wide range of fire extinguishing agents (FEA) and give them to the extinguishing in the required proportions. It can provide compressed air foam, expanding fire extinguishing capabilities. These results allow us to state that mobile fire extinguishing equipment with universal fire-fighting installations are the future of fire fighting

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