
The article reveals the relevance of the study due to the contradictions between: the requirements of the state and society to the individual as a carrier of cultural values and how this social order is solved in the modern education system; psychological and pedagogical potential of a modern preschool institution as an environment of personal development of the child and “knowledge”, “cognitive orientation” of the educational process, which prevails in most children. We characterize the main key concepts of the study: development, developmental environment, individual-typological differences, pedagogical design, developmental natural environment, developmental subject-game environment, developmental social-communicative environment. The study identifies the pedagogical conditions for creating an educational environment as a factor in the development of senior preschoolers. The structure of the educational environment has three main components related to a set of conditions that ensure the organization of life of older preschool children in preschool education, namely: spatial-subject, which determines: the formation of children's experience of interaction with the outside world; formation and development of motives for various activities; enrichment of children's subjective experience; social contact, which determines the effective, positive-emotional interaction between all participants in the educational process on the basis of participation (child and adult - equal partners in the interaction); content-activity, which determines the openness of the educational space, the possibility of free choice for the child, the creation of an activity environment that combines and uses the resources and capabilities of the previous components. The structural-functional model of designing the educational environment as a factor of development of the senior preschooler is developed.

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