
The relevance of the study is determined by the current level of development of the educational process in preschool education institutions in accordance with educational innovations and reforms. It is indicated that the educational process must comply with the updated State Standard of Preschool Education and ensure the quality of preschool education in accordance with European requirements. It is noted that the subject-play environment of a preschool education institution is one of the criteria by which the quality of the educational process is assessed, which determines the importance of its study by future preschool teachers. The purpose of the article is to generalize the content of theoretical and practical training of future educators for the design of the subject-play environment of the preschool education institution based on the material of the boardgame center. The following methods were used for the research: definitive, structural and comparative analysis, generalization, etc.
 Interrelationships between the key concepts of the content of the theoretical training of future educators are clarified. The article points out the importance of understanding their commonality and difference, hierarchical subordination and conditioning: «educational and developmental environment of an educational institution» as a pedagogical category and scientific knowledge; «the subject-play environment of the preschool education institution» is a substantial modification of the traditional educational and developmental environment specifically for the preschool education sector; «center of children’s activities» – a place of concentration, emergence and deployment of specific types of children’s activities, etc. It is determined that the subject-play environment is an essential modification of the educational development environment and preserves its structure: subject-spatial, motivational-cognitive, psychological-didactic, social-communication components. It is emphasized that the main point that higher education students learn is the interdependence between the optimal mode of interaction and the arrangement of furniture, attributes, and objects. The article substantiates methods and forms of educational activity of higher education students in the design of the subject-play environment in a preschool education institution: study of the state documents that regulate the educational process; schematization and modelling of child’s interactions and activities; creation of a moodboard of a center of children’s activities; visiting a preschool institution to observe the educational process, etc.

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