
The purpose — to study the constitutional features of physical and neuropsychic development of 4–7 year old children of intro- and extravert types with chronic adenoiditis. Material and methods. The study included preschool children with a verified diagnosis of chronic adenoiditis. The control group consisted of conditionally healthy children without chronic diseases. All children were divided into introverts and extraverts. The features of somatometric and somatoscopic indicators of physical development, emotional, characterological and intellectual indicators of neuropsychic development and socialization were studied. Results. For introverted children with chronic adenoiditis, the disease onset occurred at the age of 3–4 years; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in combination with snoring prevailed; the duration was about a year and a half; frequent acute purulent otitis media with a long monotonous course, the manifestation of excessive vagotonia and pronounced disorders of sound reproduction were observed. In extroverted children, chronic adenoiditis debuted at the age of 4–5 years, in the form of postnasal syndrome with night cough, excessive sympathicotonia and with earlier formation of exudative otitis and hearing loss; the duration of the disease was about six months. Introverts with chronic adenoiditis were three times more likely than healthy children of this type to have body mass deficiency and microsomia, lower indicators of social activity, abstract thinking, attention, fine motor skills and semantic memory. In extroverts with chronic adenoiditis, among the variants of physical development disorders, the frequency of excess body weight and macrosomia doubled, the level of impulsivity increased, discipline, large-motor giftedness, conceptual and visual-imaginative thinking decreased. Conclusion. Clinical and functional differences in the course of chronic adenoiditis in children of intro- and extravert types and the identified features of their physical and neuropsychic development can be the basis for creating differentiated programs for their medical and social support on an outpatient basis. The constitutional approach makes it possible to assess the psychophysiological features of individual qualities that make up the «ground» of the disease, both to make a reasonable choice of an effective combination of health disorders correction and prevention methods, and to ensure the fullest realization of a child’s physical and social potential.

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