
Modern changes in the economy demand from machine-building enterprises of the formation of the strategic management of innovation enterprises and evaluation of their degree of innovative reflection by identifying their level of exibility, adaptability, and activity. The development of machine-building enterprises, improving production and efficiency associated with the formation of information and analytical support for assessing the extent of innovative reflection. The problem of formation of directions of development of strategic management of innovation enterprises is one of the most important in the process of recovery from the economic crisis because the efficient operation of the engineering enterprise is the subject of attention of the wide range of stakeholders of the production process. Based on the available information and analytical information it is possible to assess the state of activity of engineering enterprises of particular importance is the calculation of quantitative and qualitative indicators characterizing the degree of innovative reflection. So important is the rationale for the methodological support of the evaluation of the degree of innovation of the reflection, which would be the basis for the formation of the strategic management of innovation enterprises in permanent conditions. The article identifies that the development of machine-building enterprises depends on the development of strategic management of innovation enterprises on the basis of the assessment of their degree of innovative reflection by identifying their level of exibility, adaptability, and activity. The algorithm methodical approach to the formation of the strategic management of innovativeness of the enterprises by determining the degree of reflection of innovative engineering companies, consisting of three phases (preparatory, main and final). The results of the analysis indicate that the examined machine-building enterprise are satisfactory and low degree of innovative reflection. This suggests that it is necessary to develop and implement actions to build strategic management of innovation enterprises, to enhance competitiveness and enter new markets.

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