
The prevailing request of the community was the training of skilled, competitive competent specialists in the environmental field. Future ecologists should think creatively, independently nominate and implement variants of the decisions of individual ecological projects, to be researchers. The defining feature of the educational process in their preparation is the formation of research competence in them. This problem is relevant and consistent with the Bologna Declaration.The development of diagnostic tools for assessing future ecologists’ research competence maturity level is an important task in developing the appropriate effective methodological system of formation.The article analyzes the concepts of "criteria", "indicators" and "future ecologists’ research competence maturity levels", their content is determined. The diagnostic tool for evaluating the level of development of the research competence of future ecologists: criteria, indicators and levels is proposed. It is assumed that the developed criteria and indicators will allow to diagnose at a certain stage of the educational process the level of formation of research competence of future ecologists.The carried out research requires an experimental verification of the effectiveness of the criteria developed and presented in this article and their indicators to assess the level of formation of research competence of environmental specialists.

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