
This article generalizes the arguments and counterarguments within the terms of scientific discussion on promoting the employment of rural population and improving the quality of its life through the development of social infrastructure. The main purpose of the carried out research is to assess the impact of the level of development of the socio-cultural infrastructure on the number of employed population and define the prospects for increasing employment of peasants. A systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of ensuring employment of rural population showed that in the analysis of employment problems, the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling is effective. The relevance of solving the problem of rural employment is that in rural areas it is sharper than in cities, and manifests itself in a higher level of unemployment. The study of the influence of factors of social infrastructure development on rural employment in the article is carried out in the following logical sequence: the available statistical database of indicators of social, educational, cultural, household infrastructure is analyzed; the most influential indicators of social sphere development are determined; an econometric model of influence of these factors on the volumes of employment is built. On the basis of the built model, measures for the development of rural social infrastructure are proposed. The methodical instrumentarium of the research are methods of economic and mathematical modeling. Ukraine was chosen as the object of the study in the context of 24 regions, as this made it possible to form a representative data array to build an adequate model. The article provides the results of modeling the interrelationship of employment with factor indicators, which showed that the most influential factors in the development of rural employment in the non-agrarian sphere are the number of schools, preschool and club establishments, trade organizations and Internet subscribers. The results of the carried out research can be useful for substantiating managerial decisions on ensuring the employment of rural population and improving the level and quality of its life.

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