
This article deals with the thematic classifications of somatic phraseological units. Somatic phraseological units of the Kyrgyz and Arabic languages should be considered in two directions: firstly, within phraseological units united by a common somatic component in order to identify not only phraseological groups common to all somatic, but also specific to each somatism; secondly, in comparison of multilingual groups of phraseological units with the same somatic component, in order to reveal the similarities and differences between thematic groups of somatic phraseological units of the compared languages. As our study has shown, the semantics of smatic phraseological units of the compared languages makes it possible to distribute all analyzed phraseological units into several thematic groups, namely: characteristics of a person, emotions and states of a person; description of the situation; human activity; a detailed description (place, mode of action, measure and degree).

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