
The article, based on archival materials from the State Archives of Lviv Region, analyzes the training of masters in the field of Oriental studies at Lviv University during the interwar period as a basis for forming scientific schools of professors Z. Smogorzewski, A. Klawek, S. Stasiak and W. Kotwicz. The author investigated that 25 scholars received the degree of Master of Philosophy in Oriental studies from the time of its introduction by the Ministry of Education of the Poland Republic (1927) and until the autumn of 1939 at Lviv University (among them leading orientalists M. Lewicki, F. Machalski, L. Skurzak, A. Kunst, Ye. Zavalynskyi). A number of others (in particular, O. Pritsak) worked on obtaining this degree. The author emphasizes that the training of masters in the field of Oriental studies was comprehensive – philological and historical, and covered the problems of linguistics, history of literature, history, ethnography, geography, philosophy, Religious studies, etc. The degree of particular area depended on the group chosen by the student – language (Altaic language researcher M. Lewicki), history of literature (semiticists J. Bär, L. Gutman, I. Schenker, indologists E. Gruber, A. Kunst, M. Oderfeld) or history (researchers of the history of the Middle East J. Baruch, H. Buchman, R. Günsberg, J. Klinger, N. Kudesch, A. Kweller, F. Machalski, M. Steiner, A. Woronowicz, J. Salz, turkologists S. Aleksandrowicz, Ye. Zavalynskyi, R. Zdzieński, specialists in Mongolian studies W. Frantz, R. Wilbach, indologist L. Skurzak). The system of master’s exams prompted to the combination of several fields of Oriental studies during the student’s professional training (for example, Arabic and Iranian studies, Iranian studies and Indology, Mongolian studies and Turkology, Turkology and Arabic studies, etc.). The preparation of the master’s thesis was to promote the development of students’ skills to work with sources (in particular, to translate them from Oriental languages, critically interpret the material), analyze historiography, apply a variety of research methods.

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