
Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century is marked by special psychologism. The objective of this article is to show the importance of Dostoevsky’s works for the professional training of future psychologists. His writings reflect the fullness of human life with due regard to all its levels — from the most unsightly falls to the most spectacular rises. This is evidenced by the concepts of the spiritual meaning of personality and the course of life reconstructed from Dostoevsky’s works. Dostoevsky understands personality as a contradictory irrational being subject to internal struggle. His literary characters are facing profound life and spiritual downfalls, crises and sufferings; they have to make a moral choice between good and evil. Along with the images of Christian holiness, Dostoevsky shows the deepest possible downfalls a person may experience. Most of Dostoevsky’s characters have a good and evil side. The writer deliberately highlights emotional experiences typical of common people. Dostoevsky, like a real psychologist, spotlights his characters’ inner world against the backdrop of harsh circumstances of life hyperbolizing movements of spirit. As a rule, the plot is based on an event that is not only special and exceptional, but also goes beyond the norms of moral and social conduct. The circumstances of characters’ life are closely related to their emotional experiences. The life course of personality is viewed as spiritual development. Love for people is seen by Dostoevsky as a high level of personal development. It is possible to distinguish psychological types depending on the level of spiritual development. Dostoevsky effectively revealed the patterns of how personality functions in the course of life. This makes his writings invaluable in training future psychologists and, undoubtedly, will enrich their knowledge of psychology.

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