
The peculiarities of influence of tillage and fertilization systems with use of by-products on the winter wheat productivity were established by research, which was conducted on dark gray podzolic soil the in a four-field short-term crop rotation (winter rape - winter wheat – maize – spring barley). We studied three tillage systems (nonmoldboard plowing to 20–22 cm, shallow tillage to 10–12 cm, and surface tillage to 6–8 cm) and fertilization system with the use of crop by-products on the background of mineral fertilizers N128P90K120 kg/ha of crop rotation area. The highest plant productivity was formed by moldboard plowing to 20–22 cm and shallow tillage to 10–12 cm in fertilization variants with straw and straw + Ecostern destructor, in this case, the thousand grain weight was 47.1 and 47.9 and 46.4 and 47.0 g, the of grain weight per spike – 2.1 and 2.2 and 1.9 and 2.0 g. And lowest plant productivity was under surface tillage to 6–8 cm and various fertilization systems, where the thousand grain weight was 45.2–45.6 g, and the grain weight per spike 1.8–1.9 g. At moldboard and non-moldboard plowing to 10–12 cm and using straw + destructor, it was observed that an gluten content in winter wheat grain increased to 23.5 and 22.7 %, and protein content – to 12.9–11.7 % compared to with surface tillage, where these figures were 21.5 and 9.5 %, respectively. It was found that the moldboard plowing to 20–22 cm and shallow tillage to 10–12 cm was effective at winter wheat cultivation, which formed a higher grain yield – 6.80 and 6.32 t/ha. It was clarified that surface tillage to 6–8 cm caused a decrease in grain yield by 1.45 t/ha compared to the moldboard plowing. On average, over the research years, there was an increase in yield by 0.36 and 0.45 t/ha due to the use of straw as a fertilizer separately and in combination with the Ecostern destructor. By comparison, in the variant without straw, the yield was 5.89 t/ha on average by a factor. Consequently, we established that for winter wheat cultivation in the Western Polissia of Ukraine, it is expedient to carry out the moldboard plowing to 20–22 cm and the non-moldboard plowing to 10–12 cm and to use fertilization system with straw + Ecostern destructor + N 10 kg (ammonium nitrate) per 1 ton of straw. Key words: winter wheat, tillage, fertilizers, yield, destructor.

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