
Introduction. The processes of globalization and internationalization taking place in the world contribute to the rapid accumulation of scientific information around the world, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of terms in various fields, including veterinary medicine. Any science is expressed by a system of terms, and the life of the term is the history of science. Thus, to study the history of science means to study the history of terms. The relevance of our study is due to the fact of insufficient study from a linguistic point of view of the history of formation, the main stages and principles of English-language veterinary terms. The purpose of the article is to consider the history of formation, the main stages of formation and principles of creation of English-language veterinary terms. Materials and methods of research. The source base of the work was English-language lexicographic sources and materials of the Internet on veterinary medicine. Results of the research. The paper presents the history, main stages of formation and etymological analysis of English veterinary terminology. The study analyzes the main factors in the formation of terminology for animal disease in English. The study of works on veterinary medicine and its terminology revealed the reasons for the appearance of the first terms and the main stages of formation of veterinary knowledge, which are reflected in the structural types of English terms of the studied terminology. Lexico-semantic varieties of terminology indicate a long history of its formation with the following characteristics of gradual formation: I period - (IX ‒ XVI century) the use of specific (simple and derivative) tokens and borrowing simple lexical units; II period - (XVII ‒ XVIII century) borrowing of derivative terms, the beginning of the creation of hybrid terminological phrases, where the generic element - borrowed, and species - specific; III period - (XIX ‒ XX century) the formation of derivative terms from Greek and Latin morphemes in order to clarify the description of the disease, organ or phenomenon. The author defines the terminology of animal diseases as a structured set of special nominations of veterinary medicine, which is a means of obtaining, storing and representing special knowledge possessed by a specialist who nominates animal diseases and / or operates with such terms in his professional activity. According to its etymological composition, the terminology of diseases of animals in English is represented by: 1) borrowings from classical languages; 2) tokens of the native language; 3) terms borrowed from European languages. Conclusions. The results of the study allow us to conclude that the etymology of English terminology of animal diseases allows us to identify the main sources of its enrichment. The diversity, number and specificity of terminological units of the English-language terminology of animal diseases is explained by the presence of native components, borrowings and word-forming diversity. An attempt is made to reveal the reasons for the appearance of the first terms and the main stages of formation of veterinary knowledge, which are reflected in the structural types of English terms to denote animal diseases. The performed analysis allows to define veterinary medical terminology as a complex dynamic open system with a history of gradual formation within the framework of scientific and social progress of global changes in society.

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