
The article presents the role of the field phase in the general process of sociological research and the factors which influencing the quality of sociological information. One of the main components of sociological research is the field phase. It includes the collection of primary sociological information, also the recruitment of interviewers, instruction/training, collection of information and control the quality of work. The article considers the influence of interviewers’ work on the quality of sociological research results, features of their work, selection and training. A review of publications on this issue among both foreign researchers and Ukrainian scientists. The author of the article tries to answer the question of what an interviewer should be, what qualities he should have in order to perform his work professionally and ensure the quality of the collected sociological information. According to the author, in addition to professional knowledge and skills, a moral and ethical quality is important in the work of the interviewer. Ethical norms of sociological work are fixed in a number of normative documents, among which one of the main is the Code of professional ethics of a sociologist of the Sociological Association of Ukraine, as well as international documents. Also, the article discusses the effect of the interviewer, which occurs when using any method of sociological research, but it is most evident in face-to-face surveys. The article argues that the quality of interviewers is an important issue in sociological research, is interdisciplinary and needs attention not only from research companies but also from scientists working on the methodology and methods of collecting sociological information.

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