
One of the locomotives for the development of the construction industry as a whole is the area of high-rise construction. Often, it is in the process of implementing high-rise buildings that the search for and approbation of innovative design solutions, engineering systems and technical communications, and modern building materials is carried out. The main problem that prevents the implementation of high-rise buildings is the lack of regulatory and technical documents that meet the requirements of the current level of development of the construction industry. This problem is one of the reasons for the emergence of administrative barriers, increasing costs and timing of preparation of project documentation for high-rise buildings, obstacles to the introduction of innovative technologies and engineering systems. The proposed content and filling with regulatory requirements, currently being developed codes of rules for the design of high-rise buildings and complexes, including in terms of providing fire safety, is a concern of the professional community. Filling the regulatory requirements and provisions, newly developed documents of the domestic regulatory framework, is not progressive enough and lags behind the level of proposed solutions of similar international standards for the design of high-rise buildings. In contrast to international standards, there is no requirement and provision for evacuation (rescue) of people in case of fire and man-made accidents from high-rise buildings and complexes by specialized mechanical means of internal transport. The relevance of this article is due to the need to introduce changes and additions to the evacuation of people in high-rise buildings and complexes with the help of specialized mechanical means of internal transport. This procedure is possible in view of the fact that the set of rules “Buildings and high-rise complexes. Fire Safety Requirements”, not approved, currently under discussion.


  • One of the locomotives for the development of the construction industry as a whole is the area of high-rise construction

  • It is in the process of implementing high-rise buildings that the search for and approbation of innovative design solutions, engineering systems and technical communications, and modern building materials is carried out

  • The main problem that prevents the implementation of high-rise buildings is the lack of regulatory and technical documents that meet the requirements of the current level of development of the construction industry

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