
Relevance. The modern stage of the development of the science of civil law is inextricably linked with the approval by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation of a new nomenclature of scientific specialties, according to which the scientific specialty 12.00.03 "Civil Law, Business Law, family Law, private interna-tional Law" was replaced by an expanded scientific specialty 5.1.3 "Private Legal Sciences". At the same time, the appeal to the methods of conducting scientific research developed by leading scientists, which, undoubtedly, was the Doctor of Law, Professor O.A. Krasavichkov, allows you to enrich the methodology of the science of civil law and not allow, under the influence of the reform of the nomenclature, to lose the specifics of the methodology of conducted civil studies. The article is an updated version of the author's work "The Method of O.A. Krasavchikov", published in 2006. The purpose of the study is to formulate a scientific idea of the significance of the scientific heritage of Doctor of Law, Professor O. A. Krasavchikov for civil science. Objectives: to study the specifics of Professor O. A. Krasavichikov's work on the creation of a scientific school, to assess the importance of O. A. Krasavichikov's scientific works for the further development of the science of civil law. The research methodology is represented by a complex of general scientific methods of scientific cognition (analysis, interpretation, formal-logical). Results. The main directions of scientific and professional activity of Professor O. A. Krasavchikov are shown; methodological approaches to the study of the scientific heritage of civil scientists are developed. Conclusion. The scientific heritage of Professor O. A. Krasavchikov is of great importance for the development of civil science and law enforcement practice. The research and development of O. A. Krasavchikov's ideas is an in-dependent direction for study in civil law science.

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