
At the present time are increasingly talking about the “crisis of childhood”, as one of the manifestations of the global crisis of modernity. For us, the concept of “the crisis of childhood” has at least two interconnected aspects. The first side of the “crisis” is related to the socio-cultural environment in which the child develops, the crisis in this environment, affecting the category of life goals, authority, basic notions of morality, etc. The second – with special needs of the child, with the “crisis” of his personal development, which is largely due to its perception of the main components of the information environment in which it grows, the dominance of the brightest available, emotionally charged images and symbols provided with modern audio-visual equipment, substituting direct communication with adults and peers, reducing the importance of subject-imaginative and verbal activity. The school and should be a medium and means initiating a process of creative self-expression of the child as one of the leading components of his personality. The article describes the theoretical and practical steps for using technology artpedagogiki for unlocking the creative potential of children of primary school age. The proposed approach allows to integrate the tasks of education and training students, not only to overcome the crisis manifests itself in contemporary pedagogy, but also to optimize the natural formation of a person’s identity crises.

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