
Means of marketing communications are considered. The characteristics of the latest tools of marketing communications are given. Emphasis is placed on the fact that today traditional and basic marketing communication tools are no longer enough to attract target customers. Due to this, the development of non-traditional marketing communication tools is taking place. However, marketing communications are integrated, and therefore only a complex combination of various tools currently makes it possible to ensure an effective impact on contact audiences. In this regard, the need and expediency of integrated application of elements of marketing communications in modern realities is emphasized. It is noted that non-traditional tools of marketing communications are divided into tools of soft influence and aggressive influence. Communication tools that have a soft impact on the consumer include: word of mouth radio; noise marketing; viral marketing; community marketing; local marketing; promotional marketing; product sampling; influence marketing and others. The newest communication tools of aggressive influence on the consumer include: guerilla marketing; horror marketing; provocative marketing; parasitic marketing; flash mob and others. It is noted that today the use of non-traditional tools of marketing communication policy, in the conditions of a decrease in society's perception of traditional communication tools, is an effective and financially inexpensive alternative that contributes to the achievement of the company's goals in the market. However, non-traditional marketing communications are logically related to traditional tools and cannot completely replace them, since the effectiveness of non-standard tools decreases with each use. That is why they need to be combined, supplementing traditional instruments with non-traditional ones. For example, viral marketing, guerrilla marketing, parasitic marketing, flash mob, and others are logically related to advertising. Propaganda is logically combined with community marketing, horror marketing, provocative marketing, etc.

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