
The article is devoted to the study of the differences between sovereign power and biopower on the example of the works of F. Kafka. In the story “In the Penal Colony”, a disciplinary society is recreated, governed by a sovereign power. The prevailing techniques of disciplinarization with the use of excessive violence allow the sovereign power to govern relying on arbitrariness. In the novel “The Process”, on the contrary, the normalization procedures typical for the biopower are demonstrated, which are widely used in the course of regulating the vital activity of the population. For the biopower, the priority is an endless trial without a verdict. The process allows you to “normalize” a person by integrating him in the teleology of the biopower. Those who have not passed such “domestication” are rejected. Both in the case of sovereign power and in the case of biopower, the dialectic of sentence and process proceeds without direct reference to the law. The system of direct interactions between government agents and citizens replaces the law.

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