
The purpose of the article is to analyze the production of vegetables and potatoes in the current conditions, as well as the level of their consumption by the population in the regions of Ukraine. Determining a possible strategy for competitive behavior of vegetable and potato growers. Research methods. Methods used: analysis and synthesis, analytical generalizations - during the analysis of vegetable and potato production; tabular - for clarity of the image of the received results of research; economic and statistical - to assess trends in production and consumption of vegetables and potatoes; abstract-logical - drawing conclusions. Research results. The article analyzes the structure of vegetable production, which is based on a set of borscht, which includes cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, garlic, carrots and beets. The current state of development of vegetable growing and potato growing in the open ground in Odessa, Vinnytsia and Kyiv regions is considered. The main problems of open-ground vegetable production have been identified. The use of vegetables and potatoes in the Ukrainian food market has been analyzed. It is established that the consumption fund in 2019. incoming vegetables-68.6%, potatoes -28.1%. Scientific novelty. The main parameters of the development of Ukrainian vegetable growing and potato growing from the standpoint of the need for rational provision of the needs of the population are substantiated. The introduction of service cooperatives in vegetable and potato growing is proposed. Practical significance. The results of the research should be used in the development of targeted programs for the development of vegetable and potato growing for the rational provision of the population of the studied regions of Ukraine with vegetables and potatoes. A possible strategy of cooperation in the market of vegetables and potatoes is proposed. The tools for substantiation of decisions for an estimation of a condition and formation of measures of development of vegetable growing and potato growing are developed. Tabl.: 5. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 13.

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