
The article substantiates the importance of proper organization of professional and pedagogical training of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in particular, economic profile) as future scientific and pedagogical workers of high qualification; it is also determined the role and place of the course “Modern educational technologies” in the system of professional training of doctors of philosophy of economic profile. In order to understand the peculiarities of scientific and pedagogical activities in the educational program of PhD students it should be normatively provided educational components aimed at providing theoretical and practical training of future scientific and pedagogical workers (by the way, as required by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). Analysis of postgraduate curricula suggests that in most of the analyzed institutions, educational programs for doctors of philosophy contain educational components of both theoretical and practical orientation, which is also confirmed by the availability of educational and methodological literature aimed at organizing pedagogical training of future teachers. In general, an integral part of the training of future doctors of philosophy in higher education is the formation of their professional and pedagogical competence, as well as methodological culture, which involves the possession of methodological knowledge (theoretical, methodological, subject methodology, methodology of knowledge of the relevant field of science). Thus, the system of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers of economic disciplines should include the use of modern forms, methods and teaching aids, as well as the latest pedagogical technologies, differentiation and individualization of professional training of future doctors of philosophy, implementation of innovative programs into pedagogical training of potential teachers.

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