
The article substantiates the possibility of using the method of strategic analysis and planning - the matrix of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) - in the system of state and municipal administration. This tool was developed for the corporate sector of the economy with the aim of compiling an optimal portfolio of goods / services by companies to ensure a balanced cash flow in it. The use of the BCG matrix methodology allows us to classify the company's product portfolio into four groups of goods in terms of two parameters: growth rates and occupied market share. The presence of all groups in the company's product portfolio allows us to judge its diversification and optimality. The author discusses the possibility of using the BCG matrix in the system of state and municipal administration. Using the example of the sectoral structure of the regional economy, the article argues that the use of the classification principles laid down in the BCG matrix will make it possible to assess the optimality of the sectoral structure of the region from the point of view of growth prospects and income generation and, on this basis, to develop a strategy for its further development. The most optimal will be the industry portfolio of the region, which is diversified in terms of the presence of companies, divided from the standpoint of their development potential and their market share. The article concludes that depending on how diversified the region's sectoral portfolio is, one can judge its optimality, which, in turn, will make it possible to obtain a qualitative forecast of the prospects for budget revenue growth: if it is not optimal, the region's sectoral portfolio income will grow slowly are likely to be below the acceptable threshold in volume.

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