This study examines augmented reality, which imposes on the world around us virtual objects, characters, filters, or other effects through a special camera. Currently, augmented reality is considered potential for pedagogical programs and it is beginning to gain momentum and be actively used. The use of augmented reality technology opens up new opportunities that increase productivity and efficiency in various industries, improve communication and knowledge transfer and make distance learning more comfortable and realistic. However, the factor of reducing the cost of production or the educational process due to the introduction of augmented reality is not yet fully disclosed and requires a detailed analysis, part of which is conducted in this paper. The existing types of augmented, virtual and mixed reality technologies were analyzed, their comparison was made, the current place in the market was determined, as well as their influence and role in modern education. The paper presents examples of the use of augmented reality technology in various fields, including in production, which demonstrates a significant increase in efficiency and confirms the relevance. An overview of the premises and laboratories, which now use virtual and augmented reality technologies for the educational process. The article also describes the shortcomings of the educational process, which can be corrected by introducing augmented reality technology. The economic benefit of using augmented reality in the educational process on a real example was calculated, due to which the expediency of this implementation was proved. Elements of the educational process are considered, the replacement of which with augmented reality will make education cheaper, and this means more accessible. An example of markers used for an augmented reality application in the field of aircraft construction is given. The tendency of the application of augmented reality and use in the educational process for the next years is analyzed, the branches in which it can be applied are considered and the expediency of its use is confirmed.
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