
The study used a combined Stroop test involving a spatial feature. Stimuli (the words "green", "red", "blue" and "yellow", written in relevant or irrelevant color) were presented to the right or left of the center of the screen. In the case of coincidence of the color of the word and its semantic meaning, it was necessary to press the button with the ipsilateral hand (answer "yes", congruent stimulus), discrepancies – with the contralateral hand (answer "no", incongruent stimulus). According to the results obtained earlier, it was suggested that it is easier to transfer information from the left hemisphere to the right than in the opposite direction, and the dominance of the left hemisphere when performing this type of cognitive task. To study this hypothesis, records of event-related potentials (ERP) were obtained when subjects performed this test. The subjects were 7 men, right-handed, aged 20 ± 1,13 years. The most informative was the registration from Cz, for which the components N450 and late positive complex (LPC) were obtained when stimulated by incongruent stimuli from the right side. The N450 component is associated with anterior cingulate cortex activity and is considered a reliable marker of conflict present in the experimental paradigm of this test. LPC is probably a component specific to the Stroop task and corresponds to the level of conflict of stimuli. Recording ERPs from the central lead does not allow to determine in this case the source of their origin. However, a comparison of ERP of incongruent stimuli from the right and left indicates differences in response to stimuli from different halves of the screen. The appearance of these components for incongruent stimuli exposed on the right side of the screen probably means their association with the functions of the left hemisphere, and confirms the previous hypothesis of metacontrol by the left hemisphere in this type of cognitive task.


  • Angiogenesis inhibition is a cancer chemotherapeutic approach utilizing either monotherapy or combination chemotherapy and has become a standard treatment for several types of cancers

  • Найбільш значимі відмінності вдалося отримати при порівнянні відмінностей потенціалів із каналів запису за місцем електроду Cz для таких станів стимуляції: права неконгруентна із правою конгруентною (ПН – правій конгруентній (ПК)), ліва неконгруентна із правою неконгруентною (ЛН – правій неконгруентній (ПН)) та ліва конгруентна із правою неконгруентною (ЛК – ПН)

  • Аналіз відмінностей вказує на появу зазначених компонент для неконгруентних стимулів, експонованих із правого боку екрану, що, ймовірно, означає їхню асоціацію із функціями лівої півкулі

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Angiogenesis inhibition is a cancer chemotherapeutic approach utilizing either monotherapy or combination chemotherapy and has become a standard treatment for several types of cancers. Для дослідження цієї гіпотези отримано записи потенціалів, пов'язаних із подіями (ППП) при виконанні обстежуваними цього тесту. Найбільш інформативним виявилось відведення Cz, для якого отримані компоненти N450 й пізній позитивний комплекс (LPC) при стимулюванні неконгруентними стимулами із правого боку.

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