
The article actualizes the problem of interpreting vocal-instrumental works of the school program. On the basis of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of conceptual provisions presented in the scientific literature on the studied problems the peculiarities and theoretical bases of interpretation of school song repertoire (with an emphasis on instrumental component) are revealed, in particular: taking into account the specificity of the structure of the specified works as a “mono-synthesis” of the textures of the vocal-choral part and piano accompaniment, the need to decode the coordinates of the author’s text of the studied musical works, designing special pedagogically oriented performing-ensemble solutions for the production of the accompaniment part. It is found that vocal-instrumental works are specific in their structure, they represent a combination of heterogeneous textures into a single whole. It is an organic fusion of different “components” that create a single and multifaceted musical-artistic text. The basis of knowledge of their artistic and figurative content is the “author’s text”. Its uncertainty, schematism necessitates further decoding and “predetermination” due to the recognition and differentiation of coordinate groups. The coordinate scheme of the author’s text of vocal-instrumental works is created. The include: marked coordinates (author’s text level), inaccurately marked coordinates (author-performer’s text level) and unmarked coordinates (performer-ensemble’s text level). The content components of each of the selected text levels are defined. The content of the author’s level of the text consists of the following components: literary text, musical text (metrorhythm, pitch, harmony, pitch-tone, form-composition) and the type of textured presentation of the accompaniment. The content of the author-performer’s text level includes: tempo, agogics, dynamics, articulation, phrasing, fingering, author’s remarks, pedaling. The content of the performer-ensemble’s level of the text consists of the following components: functional and role characteristics of the accompaniment, dynamic balance; dynamic, articulatory, agogic, metrorhythmic, tempo coherence; intonation unity. A number of components of the author’s text of vocal-instrumental works of the school program are carefully analyzed, namely: type of textural presentation of accompaniment, features of ratio of literary and musical texts, functional and role characteristic of accompaniment. On the basis of the selected theoretical positions a number of effective artistic methods of realization of the investigated interpretive process is offered.

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