
In Ukraine still remains relevant practice testing and purchase of raw milk by four quality classes. But for a long time in Ukraine working farms with modern methods zootechnical and veterinary management, with good dairy farming practices and good milking hygienepractices. So the aim of our study was to compare total bacteria count and somatic cells count in raw milk from this farms and farms that are still provided traditional (where were found some mistakes in milking hygiene practices) dairy farming practices in Ukraine. The qualityparameters of raw milk were collected from farms located in Kiev, Cherkassy, Poltava, Chernihiv and Vinnitsa regions of Ukraine. Totally –17 farms in both groups. Research period – one year (2015/12–01). In the paper presented results of stability during the year of the quality parameters of raw milk received from farms of some regions of Ukraine. Farms which were taken for the study were divided into two groups, by various dairy farming practices. The stability evaluation was performed by intervals of determinations of total bacteria count rate and somatic cells count in milk. The intervals of determinations were defined according to Ukraine standard 3662–97. Established that total bacteria count and somatic cells count rate of raw milk from farms with good dairy farming practices was at one and three intervals, respectively. So, for these raw milk we can recommended periodic testing. The intervals of determinations of total bacteria count and somatic cells count of raw milk from farms, were found some mistakes in milking hygiene practices varied, at 3 and 2 intervals respectively and divided in equal parts by the percentage. The value of the monthly average rate of somatic cells count in milk predominated in the largest range (from 500 to 600 ×1000/mL). Consequently, raw milk, from this farm has no predictability throughout the year and requires frequent checks of safety and quality.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Somatic cell counts in milk of dairy cows

  • Vymogy pry zakupivli» iz zminoju No1 (IPS No5– 2007) Kyi'v, Derzhspozhyvstandart Ukrai'ny (in Ukrainian)

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Матеріал і методи досліджень

Використано виробничі показники молока– сировини з ферм Київської, Черкаської, Полтавської, Чернігівської та Вінницької областей України. Проводили оцінку середньомісячних значень показників кількості мезофільних аеробних та факультативних анаеробних мікроорганізмів (КМАФАнМ) (згідно ДСТУ 3662–97 – загальне бактеріальне обсіменіння) та кількості соматичних клітин. Збір даних виконано за період з січня по грудень 2015 р. Статистична обробка даних проводилася з використанням статистичних функцій табличного процесора MS Excel стандартного пакету MS Office

Результати та їх обговорення
Значення показника соматичних клітин
Значення показника кількості соматичних клітин
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