
As everyone knows, Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio(『聊齋誌異』) is a novel that achieved the status of an original literary novel by creatively inheriting and developing the narrative artistic techniques of strange stories and tales of the marvelous. The narratives of the various women are evaluated as original and creative to the extent that they cannot be seen in existing works.BR Among the female figures in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, this study will mainly consider the stories of fierce and scary women who have not been tamed by feudal etiquette instructions and act as they please. In this paper, the women who do not conform to traditional womanly virtues and are opposite to the socially customary image of women are discussed with the term “bad wives.” While again recognizing the meanings between the lines of the bad wife stories, this author looked at how masculinist consciousness and patriarchal ideology were operating, and how these views were arranged and narrated.BR The bad wife stories contain a reconstructed patriarchal worldview and masculinist consciousness. Pu Songling (蒲松齡)’s anxiety about breaking the masculine culture is seenin the bad wives’ violence and aggression. However, the bad wives that have caused cracksin the masculine culture, which is under the Confucian ruling order, remain controlled andlovely women with docile womanly virtues.BR Affected by the doctrines of Wang Yangming(王陽明) in the late Ming period, Pu Songling’s perception of women still has a mixed ambilaterality where tradition and innovation collide. Pu Songling was a scholar who dreamed of freedom and romance, but when his bad wife stories are analyzed, it can be seen that he was not free from the norms of Confucianism and masculine culture. Pu Songling acknowledged and praised the outstanding abilities and talents of enterprising women, but did not thoroughly contain the awareness of fundamental problem of the notion of predominance of man over woman, the coercion of chastity and faithfulness, and the suffering of materialized women. In Pu Songling’s perspective, “bad wives” are used as literary material with which patriarchal masculinist consciousness is reproduced.

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