
Introduction. The article presents the results of studies of hydrodynamic processes in the quarries of the Klinskoye deposit using methods for controlling them in rock masses. The Klinskoye deposit is planned to be developed by open pits: Klinskoye and Vostochny (hereinafter referred to as Klinskoye), which have a common surface contour, as well as Western, located 370 m north of Klinskoye. Materials and methods. The work was carried out using hydrodynamic, graph-analytical, hydraulic methods, as well as on the basis of probability theory and mathematical statistics. In rocks with pronounced fracturing, to determine the hydrogeological parameters, 5 hydrogeological wells were drilled, located in the direction of the prevailing fracturing and perpendicular to it. Results. It has been established that the main features and conditions of watering of the field are determined by the following factors: climatic conditions of the region; the amount and mode of precipitation and the intensity of evaporation; a complex system of multidirectional faults; features of aquifers; non-pressure regime of fissure-ground underground waters. Discussion. During the operation of the lower part of the section and the drainage of the zone of watered faults, most likely, the influence of drainage from the quarries of the Klinskoye deposit on the systems of domestic and drinking water supply of settlements, as well as the zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources, will not occur, due to the fact that the calculation was made for pressure fractures – veined groundwater of aquifers not used for these purposes. Conclusion. A set of studies has been carried out, including: analysis and generalization of scientific and technical information in the areas of predicting the stability of quarry walls and sloping soil structures, methods for monitoring the state and properties of a rock mass; monitoring of geo-mechanical and hydrodynamic processes in techno-genic soil mass. Resume. Based on the data obtained during pumping, the hydrogeological parameters were determined: filtration coefficients and water conductivity. Suggestions for practical application and direction for future research. The research results can be useful in a comprehensive assessment of hydrodynamic processes in quarries using methods for managing them in rock masses.

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