
The relevance of scientific research of personnel adaptation problems is concluded in the urgent need to make qualitative changes in this process. The purpose of the changes is to systematize and improve this process. The object of the study are the features of the process of adaptation of personnel of state and municipal institutions. The subject of the study is the technology to improve the system of personnel adaptation, contributing to the constructive implementation of job functions. The purpose of the work is to analyze and improve the system of personnel adaptation of state and municipal institutions, as well as on the basis of the analysis to develop recommendations for managers to optimize the process of adaptation of employees. A conscious and well-built system of personnel adaptation will stabilize the personnel composition and its qualitative renewal, which will contribute to the efficiency of state and municipal institutions. The scientific novelty of the study is to expand, Supplement and clarify scientific views on management activities and analysis of the system of personnel adaptation and opportunities for its improvement. The practical significance of the results is to substantiate, firstly, the possibility of optimization at the present stage of the process of personnel adaptation in the organization, and secondly, the main directions of improving the system of personnel adaptation of state and municipal institutions.

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