
The issue of efficiency of scientific and innovative activity in the conditions of Russia's transition to the knowledge economy is a priority for the state, businesses, scientific and educational organizations. Higher education institutions can become promising platforms for creating innovative products and technologies, as they have all the necessary components: long-standing academic schools; rich, sometimes unique, material and technical database; as well as teams of creative researchers from the scientific and pedagogical staff, talented graduates and postgraduates. According to the results of monitoring the efficiency of innovative activity of leading universities 
 of Russia, as well as to the analysis of the main indicators of research activities of universities 
 of the Southern Federal District, there have been revealed the following factors and conditions leading to the low efficiency of scientific and innovative activity of higher educational institutions: a broken innovation cycle; shortage of specialists in the field of marketing and management of in-novation projects and lack of competence of scientific-pedagogical workers in the field of commercialization of innovative products; inconsistency of research plans of departments, etc. There has been justified the application of a project approach to the management of scientific and innovative activities, using a matrix organizational structure, including functional links for the organization, management, control and marketing of innovative projects. The problem of increasing the scientific and innovation activity management has been solved using the algorithm of rational distribution and concentration of resources for developing priority projects based on state and regional programs for socio-economic and innovative development. A detailed study of the priority directions for scientific and innovative activities, marketing and feasibility analysis, organizational, technical, financial and legal support of the project, research and development and founding of small innovative companies (or alienation of rights to intellectual property) will help to form a rational innovation cycle from a scientific idea to its commercialization

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