
Establishing a standard series of digital automated robotic dairy farms of a new generation with diff erent confi gurations and capacity (25-50-100…1200…2400 goals) implies their structural typing and modular building based on the methodology of fi nite element analysis and structural-functional models, including complete modular units. The author has developed structural and functional models for building digital technological modules and modular units of modern automated and robotic dairy farms of a new generation. Modular structural and functional units are proposed. They include passive accumulative and regulating modules of inanimate (material, technological) and animate biological fl ows (animals), active machine-technological modules for moving and transforming material technological and production fl ows to/from animals,information and analytical modules for rapid assessment of the quality of production fl ows, systems for receiving, transmitting, processing and storing information fl ows (signals) received from machine-technological modules (milking, feeding, manure removal, etc.) and from animal sensors. The author analyzed and obtained formalized structural and functional models of digital modular units: automated and robotic milking parlors, automated and robotic animal feeding systems, automated systems for diff erentiated microclimate provision, energy-saving aerobic and (or anaerobic) modules for manure processing as complete structures, including space-planning accumulative-regulating technological modules of the passive type and machine-technological modules of the active type to move and transform material technological fl ows, as well as carry out express diagnostics of their quality and storage of information fl ows. The implementation of the developed structural and functional models of digital technological modules and modular units will provide for designing new projects of digital automated and robotic dairy farms of a new generation with increased functionality and adaptive functions to be applied to biological objects.

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