
Subject of the article: apophatic of a disease. The article examines how the apophatic of culture is implemented through a literary work, namely, the apophatic component of a disease phenomenon is studied. Object of the article: a later poem by S.A. Yesenin “Evening Drew Together its Black Eyebrows...” Many researchers refer to this lyric text, but consider it only in the context of the book “Tavern Moscow”. However, this poem is of particular value in the cultural-philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of disease and death in the Russian version of logocentrism. Research methodology: a holistic ontohermeneutic analysis of a literary text with the use of a semantic research method.Results: the analysis of Yesenin’s later poem, identification of its ontological meaning, ethos of life and death allow raising the issue of a disease phenomenon in poetics, which is apophatic in nature, and this requires additional culturological commentary. Drawing parallels with the Russian fairy tale, turning to its otherworldly paradigm seems productive, since Russian folklore inspired the poet’s artistic life. In the Russian fairy tale, the search for “another kingdom” presupposes the resolution of the issue of temporary death and rebirth in a new capacity. The appeal to philosophical reflections on the axiological status of a disease of the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner, whose ideas were close to the representatives of the Silver Age, is also productive, since the anthroposophist highlights the apophatic side of the disease, endowing it with meaning-generating functions.

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