
In March 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Research and Re-search Infrastructure for 2019–2027 (FSTP). In accordance with the Decree, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (NRC “Kur-chatov Institute”) is designated as the lead scientific organization of the Program. The program provides for the development and launch at the National Research Center "Kur-chatov Institute" of the Proton Beam Therapy Complex for long-term multi-year development of new generations of PBT facilities and technologies, training of personnel (medical physi-cists and clinicians, treatment of a limited number of cancer patients and clinical trials). The complex of proton beam therapy will include two treatment rooms, one room with a rotating proton beam rotation system - gantry and one with a fixed beam. A synchrotron with a maxi-mum energy of 250 MeV will supply each treatment room with proton beams. The beam energy can vary from 70 to 250 MeV directly in the process of proton acceleration. The features of the developed proton beam therapy system are compared with other systems. Currently, the development of all non-standardized equipment of the complex being created is underway. The building is being designed, construction should begin in 2023. The calculation of radia-tion-protective walls has been analytically performed, a more detailed calculation is being carried out.

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