
The essence of the educational complex of the Kherson region as a holistic socio-geographical formation is revealed. The importance, role and place of the educational complex in the economic and social development of the territory are highlighted. The most important factors in the formation of the educational complex are revealed. The attention is paid to the deterioration of the demographic situation and its impact on the development of education. The specific of the branch structure of the educational complex is characterized. The analysis of territorial features of functioning and placement of components of the educational complex: pre-school education, general secondary education, out-of-school education, vocational education, higher education, postgraduate education, post-graduate and doctoral studies, self-education, lifelong education. Particular attention is paid to the territorial differentiation of the network of preschool and general education institutions. The dynamic of the number of MES in the region and the problem of uneven placement is traced. The tendency towards the decrease in the number of general educational institutions is revealed, which is the result of a decrease in the number of students due to the deterioration of the demographic situation. The process of formation of basic educational institutions and the impact on them of united territorial communities are described, the system of vocational education is characterized, characteristic features of the development of higher education, placement of the network of institutions of higher education, types of training of specialists are determined, the main forms of preparation of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel are singled out. High-level qualifications in the field: post-graduate and doctoral studies. The attention is paid to the increase in the demand for higher qualification specialists. The modern transformational processes in the development of the educational complex of the region are highlighted. The main problems are described and perspective directions of further development of the educational complex are grounded.

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