
The peculiarities of A.L. Tchizhevsky’s poetic cosmism are studied in the article. In the research the author relies on dialectical principles, historical and reconstructive method and textual analysis of the sources. The novelty of the research is in uncovering A.L. Tschizhevsky’s views on conditions of life origin, time, chaos and the role of personality in history, which were neglected in his scientific and philosophical inquiry. The article argues anthropic principle underlying the author’s views on life origin. The author proves the presence of philosophic organicism and universal cosmism in the thinker’s judgements. In his belief a human and society are connected with cosmotellurical media, thus history of a humankind is a stage of the Cosmos history. Dialectical comprehension of chaos as the condition of order origination is considered in the article. The core of history philosophy of A.L. Tschizhevsky’s is the concept of geliotaracy, according to which every 11,1 years under the influence of solar activity there is rise of mass activity, often of a destructive form that create history. The author concludes that philosophical poetry of A.L. Tschi- zhevsky’s continues traditions of Russian poetry of 18-19 th centuries. The thinker comes to to the conclusion that humanity is a unique creation of the cosmos and to preserve itself it needs a fundamentally new development strategy – «conscious history».

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