
This article discusses the current state and main trends in the development of innovative activities of the enterprise. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards the formation of divisions by enterprises in order to secure an innovative development as well as departments for the development of innovative projects and the creation of Lin laboratories. Implementation of such innovative projects and introduction of innovations in enterprises is the main factor of market competition. It is determined that the intensity of innovative developments and improving the quality of human resources increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. Still a significant factor in the innovation activity of the enterprise is the proper need of the enterprise for innovations and the desire to implement them. It is worth focusing on organizational innovations in more detail, since that is the area where the largest decrease in the share of organizations by 0.6% in 2018 compared to 2015 is observed. It is exactly the type of innovations that affects the process of personnel management to a greater extent. Organizational innovations are subject to the fashion fluctuations, and companies are increasingly trying to implement the principles and methods of managing the turquoise organizations as innovative changes. A significant sign of the company’s innovative activity is the proper need of the company for innovations and the desire to implement them. The most common issues of innovative development of Russian enterprises are considered. For example, a key issue of implementing organizational innovations is the discrepancy between fashionable new trends and corporate culture. It is worth noting that at each stage of the company’s development, there is a change in the type of culture. In practice, Russian companies are at the stage of a culture of strength: few of them, while maintaining a culture of strength, have skipped the stage of rules and discipline and are implementing their activities with elements of a culture of success. Methods and tools of personnel management should be used taking into account the specifics of the type of culture in the enterprise. Examples of successful and unsuccessful implementation of innovations in the enterprise are given, taking into account the specifics of the type of culture, as well as the consequences of using these innovations. It is considered as completely unacceptable if an organization uses tools that are not appropriate for the next level of corporate culture, but for an even higher level. It is worth noting that the introduction of innovations is impossible without defining the strategy, goals and concept of development at the enterprise.

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