
The article considers the problem of competitiveness of motor transport services in the context of hierarchical levels of economic management. Resource, operational and strategic competitive advantages of subjects-operators of the market of motor transport services on nano-, micro-, meso-, quasi-, macro- and megalevel have been allocated. The level of competitiveness of road transport services at a particular time is determined not only by competitive advantages of the subjects-operators of the market of motor transport services, but also by the joint impact of many factors on their activities. Research and analysis of these factors can determine whether they contribute to or hinder the achievement of the higher level of motor transport service competitiveness. There has been carried out the comparative analysis of forming road transport service competitiveness. It has been stated that at all levels of economic management the process of forming the competitiveness of motor transport services is specific. Presented typology of competitiveness of motor transport services at different levels of economic management acts as a methodological approach which contributes to theoretical justification of the concept of “competitiveness of motor transport services”, allows better assessing the activities of competitors. Besides, this approach enables the subject-operator of the market of motor transport services to navigate with greater accuracy for further operation in order to obtain advanced results due to using its competitive advantages. In the conditions of rapid innovative development of integration processes of the world economy, marketing to a large extent determines the level of competitiveness of motor transport services. Thus, the process of developing and realization of marketing strategies for improving competitiveness of motor transport enterprises is very important.

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