
Novel is an important kind of Urdu literature.The word novel is of italian language which means,new,or strange.In liiterary language, a novel can be described as: It is long sustaining story where primary focus is human life and issues and related to this life.The novel presents these isssues and incidentsin an embitthed way.The birth of the novel was taken place nearly one and half century ago.During this era where some exceptional creative work was done in novel,there criticism on novel never stood second to anyone.Till the end of ninteen century there was a numbers of books piled up on novel,and is still moving on.The critics onnovel, have discussed the style and the theme of the novel quite successfully.The chain of criticism was started with the critisim on Ahsan Faroqi and still going on.Udru novels is critically and throughly studied then one will find out different temprements and trends among urdu novel crtics.The critics have added in the treasure according to there temprament and ability. The essay with through lights on few books and essays,(published in different journals) on criticism of urdu novels.

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