
The relevance of the Turkish Language learning is substantiated in the article for many reasons. First, because of its prevalence in the whole world. Secondly, due to the huge number of lexical and stylistic features, such as context, polysemantic words, slang, dialects, colloquial words, phraseological units and their diversity. Thirdly, because of its morphological features and also thanks to another pleasant feature of the Turkish language, which is closely related to its clarity and conciseness. The article defines the possibilities of the contextual method using in the Turkish language Lexicology studying. Such teaching methods as descriptive (for a general description of the context); contextual-interpretive (to identify the functional and semantic meaning of a word), as well as a method of creating a problem situation using a contextual task were used for achieving the goal. The essence of the term “context” is determined and the place of context in modern linguistics is considered. The emphasis was also placed on the problems of general Lexicology, which allow the use of contextual analysis and substantiated the primary role of the context in its different types in identifying meanings. The classification of the context is considered, namely the narrow context (microcontext) and wide context (macrocontext). The difficulties of translating words from Turkish and vice versa due to their ambiguity are stipulated. Context has been shown to understand the meaning of a word or phrase. It is a powerful weapon that sheds light on the meaning of unfamiliar and ambiguous words, and the semantic characteristics of the word are described, traced, studied and analyzed. They are based on a typical context. This feature is peculiar not only any foreign language, but to Turkish due to its emotional color and individuality.

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