
The main aim of the study is to determine the lexico-semantic characteristics of the phenomenon of code switching in the conditions of Udmurt-Russian bilingualism on the basis of the functioning of nouns in the oral speech of native speakers of the Udmurt language. Scientific novelty lies in identifying the lexico-semantic characteristics of the substantive forms supporting the phenomenon of code switching, as well as in determining the mechanisms of their adaptation in speech. The results of the study have shown that nouns are most often subjected to the phenomenon of code switching in the conditions of Udmurt-Russian bilingualism. The paper identifies 12 thematic groups that are most often replaced by Russian-language inclusions in the oral speech of native speakers of the Udmurt language. Within a specific communicative act, their inclusion allows the speaker: a) to express their thought more precisely; b) to realise the striving for authenticity of the statement, used for greater credibility; c) to perform an expressive function; d) to actualise the phenomenon of triggering; e) to emphasise their belonging to certain linguistic or cultural realities etc. From the viewpoint of adaptation of foreign-language elements in the conditions of Udmurt-Russian bilingualism, three groups of nouns are distinguished: a) unadapted nouns, b) semi-adapted nouns, c) adapted nouns.

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