
The paper deals with the development of a system of criteria and indicators for the formation and development of the market for reused agricultural machinery (MRUAM) in order to optimize the structure and use of the machine and tractor fl eet. It is noted that the machine and tractor fl eet used in Russian agricultural sector is 35…40% undersupplied with the most demanded agricultural machinery. About 60% of regional farms are focused on purchasing equipment on the reused machinery market based on its technical readiness and cost not exceeding 60…65% of the cost of the new products. The modern concept describing the development of the domestic market for agricultural machinery and the methodology for the MRUAM formation are presented. The authors list the main tasks for the MRUAM formation and present the information and functional structure of MRUAM. Over 3-4 years to come, systemic development of MRUAM in the agricultural sector of Russia will raise the level of technical readiness of agricultural machines by 5…7% and increase the agricultural machinery and tractor fl eet by 50…55 thousand tractors, 10…12 thousand grain harvesters and 3…3.5 thousand forage harvesters. The MRUAM formation in the agricultural sector of Russia, in addition to increasing the size of the machine and tractor fl eet, will signifi cantly strengthen the engineering and technical system of the agricultural sector. Agricultural producers will get the opportunity to simplify the procedure for fi nding prospective suppliers and consumers of agricultural machinery, as well as to formulate real prices for used resources and provide guarantees for completing transactions to the MRUAM participants.

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